Transmissão ao vivo
Loca Fight Club - July 12th, 2024
Yedikule, Turquia
12 de jul. de 2024 16:00:00
Local Fight Club will return on the 12th of July, 2024, with a night filled with spectacular kickboxing fights, taking place at the Yedikule Fortress in Istanbul, Turkey.
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Repetir: Main event

Main event
12 de jul. de 2024 19:15:00
12 de jul. de 2024 22:42:00
€ 4,99
Esta transmissão ao vivo foi encerrada, mas há uma reprise disponível!

Informações e localização

Yedikule Fortress,
Yedikule Meydanı Sokak 9,
34107 Yedikule,

Fight Cart

Qual é a sua opinião sobre este cartão de luta?Responda abaixo!

Elshad Shahbazov Azerbaijão 5-0-2 (2 KO)
Isa Göçmen Turquia 17-0-2 (10 KO)
Vladimir Gabov Federação Russa (a) 10-1-6 (3 KO)
Mehmet Ali Meriç Turquia 17-0-4 (2 KO)
Sasan Amínzadeh Irão (República Islâmica do) 38-0-2 (28 KO)
Ídrís Simsek Turquia 7-0-2 (1 KO)
Thomas Nelson Doeve Países Baixos 23-0-12 (11 KO)
Omíd Nosrati Turquia 24-0-5 (9 KO)
Elham Barazandeh Irão (República Islâmica do) 2-0-0
Erívan Barut Turquia 4-0-0 (1 KO)
Gasham Mammadov Azerbaijão 8-0-0 (3 KO)
Enís Yunusoglu Turquia 19-0-4 (4 KO)
Ali Reza Ghanbari Irão (República Islâmica do) 12-0-2 (4 KO)
Nejat Derín Turquia 10-0-2 (2 KO)
Mick van den Berg Países Baixos 4-0-2 (1 KO)
Kubílay Tarhan Turquia 11-0-1 (2 KO)


8 meses ago

Leuk evenement. Haalt niet het niveau van Glory, maar zeker voor herhaling vatbaar.

Warrior Code
8 meses ago

Loca Fight Club is nu afgelopen. Hartelijk dank voor het kijken en tot volgende keer! Osu

Warrior Code
8 meses ago

We zijn aangekomen bij het laatste en hoofdgevecht van de avond: ELSHAD SHAHBAZOV (Azerbaijan) vs ISA GÖÇMEN (Turkije).

Warrior Code
8 meses ago

Het volgende gevecht is de een na laatste partij van de avond: VLADIMIR GABOV (Rusland) vs MEHMET ALI MERIÇ (Turkije).

Warrior Code
8 meses ago

Volgende gevecht: SASAN AMÍNZADEH (Iran) vs ÍDRÍS SIMSEK (Turkije)


Loca Fight Club

Loca Fight Club - July 12th, 2024 é organizado por Loca Fight Club .

Loca Fight Club is founded by Kursat Sahin. Born in Elbistan, K.Maras on the 20th of February, 1979, Şahin came to Istanbul at the age of 14 and started a new era in his business and sports life. Living in Istanbul for a while and working in big countries such as Spain, France and Italy, Şahin returned in 2000 and after completing his military service, he came back to Istanbul and continued his business life in Küçükçekmece, Istanbul and his school life at the MSM Mujdad Gezen Art Academy, and at the same time, he worked 2-3 jobs and continued his education through cinema and television. Since 2005, he has been the General Coordinator and Executive Producer of 17 gala nights, has undertaken the production of many series and movies, and has also taken part in many series and movies as an actor. Today, Kürşat ŞAHİN is both the organizer and scriptwriter of Loca Fight Club, the home of 7 heroes, 7 real champions and 7 brave hearts. and the beginning of his story. And he is the founder of the SULTANS OF THE RING organization, which was the first in the world. He is also the founder and president of Loca 7/24 Sports Club. It is the only club in TURKEY that serves 7/24, day and night. And the reason for this journey is that young athletes, together with these champion brothers that he has dreamed of for years, have embarked on a path of fighting against injustice. Visualizar organização

Warrior Code

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