Op De Bank

The Black Ghost is Sharing Everything| OP DE BANK

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Remy Bonjasky, Marinho Gordon and guest The Black Ghost discuss last week in Op de Bank. This week they discuss what lead The Black Ghost to start kickboxing, signing GLORY LightHeavy weight, his masks and more

Op De Bank is sponsored by Knockout SportsWear and XXL Nutrition

Incluído em 28 de mar. de 2024 15:00:00 (11 meses ago)
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14 comentários

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11 meses ago

Bonjasky hits the nail on the head. Croma just needs to prove himself first, he is coming into the champions league now. I personally think he has no chance against tarik or bahram. Those are guys with killer instincts. Against the rest he is going to have a hard time as well. Enfusion is nice, very nice even. But honestly at glory the real guys are

11 meses ago

Nonsense that rainbow flag and all that. It is being rammed down the throats of normal people. Not normal. Even at school with my children they do it. Well I have made it very clear to my children that it is NOT normal. Someone once told me something and I tell it exactly to anyone who comes up with this bullshit. How can a man feel e.g. woman? He NEVER can! He is not a woman, so he can never know! Marinho is absolutely right, it's just sick!

Bruce Liku
11 meses ago

Well, the rainbow community is not going to be among the mainstream supporters of our sport this way 😎

11 meses ago

Nope. The ease with which gays are always looked down upon by kickboxers.... Everyone gets to belong except gays.

Erik De wit
11 meses ago

Remy you're still saying it wrong it's with Marinho and Remy on the bench not the other way around

11 meses ago

Hahahahahhaha this guy is cool. He is not afraid of anyone, "abena may be 2nd". Hahahahhaha am glad he is at glory. The black ghost🔥🔥