Warrior Talk #29

Errol Zimmerman, Isis Verbeek, Said Hamzaoui en Kimball | Warrior Talk

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Our guests during this Warrior Talk: Errol Zimmerman, Isis Verbeek, Said Hamzaoui en Kimball. Three-time K-1 world champion Remy Bonjasky is the presenter.

Incluído em 18 de mai. de 2024 12:59:00 (9 meses ago)
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16 comentários

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9 meses ago

Shoutout to the kickboxing podcast. Really a very nice addition if you want to stay up-to-date with the latest news!

The Kickboxing Nerd
9 meses ago

Thanks I greatly appreciate, Wim! Gotta spread the love of kickboxing!

9 meses ago

Top episode, after Errol's K1 competition invite again with Nick Hemmers maybe.

@RemyBonjasky I don't know you personally and assume you are really relaxed, but bragging about yourself could be a little less and that's also I think the reason some fighters are irritated with you.

9 meses ago

Not only fighters😜 . I also regularly have that it could be a little less. But I know 100% that Remy knows this too. At videoland they joke about it too.

But aside from that, Remy really is a topper.

9 meses ago

True champions do not have to tell anyone that they are or were champions.

Eon Vrede
9 meses ago

Thank you for talking about Ginty Peace Errol and Rémy. We miss him very much

S.B Wolf niet meer in gebruik!
9 meses ago

One Championship is also not among them while that is the very highest stage

9 meses ago

I tell you honestly after how you fired him well respect him for just coming and sitting down.