Op De Bank #67

What Will They Do Now With The Next 8 Men's Tournaments | OP DE BANK

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Remy Bonjasky and Marinho Gordon discuss last week in Op de Bank. This week they discuss GLORY 91, UFC, situation Nordin El Otmani, Enfusion and more

Op De Bank is sponsored by XXL Nutrition and KnockOut SportsWear

Incluído em 22 de mar. de 2024 17:00:00 (11 meses ago)
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11 meses ago

I'm just missing an important point about the draw; if Rico gets to pick his opponent in the tournament, this only makes sense if his belt is on the line. At that point it could still make sense for him to be allowed to pick, since he could thus potentially lose his belt. What do you guys think about this? Maybe a very late afterthought, but good to know for the future.

11 meses ago

Bradas @Marinho1976 and @RemyBonjasky and rest of the warriors,

Personally, I'm pretty tired of the framing of Rico supposedly taking kickboxing to a new "mainstream" level. People only cared about Rico when he fought Badr. Badr is the person who sold out stadiums. Not Rico. Now that Rico had to sell out, he didn't even succeed with €25 tickets.

Yes, the deal with Videoland certainly got a few thousand people who have nothing to do on Friday nights to watch it. But even that is because of Badr's success. That's also why his documentary was highlighted and not Rico's.

And the TV shows Rico is getting into now are nothing new. This is what @RemyBonjasky was doing allaaaaaaaaang.

11 meses ago

Hewaaa Marinho and remy a question man do you guys think badr is still going to come back with a fight I see he is back in training and hard too what do you guys think?

11 meses ago

Heey this is a top program watch with pleasure. Often agree with you guys. Have 1 more suggestion watch amin choukoud champion enfusion he deserves more attention nice technical fighter

Mo pkp
11 meses ago

Dear Remy and Marinho, wouldn't it be great if the 2 heavyweight champions of this moment would be against each other Kryklia vs Verhoeven. I regret that such matches seem unthinkable while in boxing it does happen, the best against the best just like the K-1 time.