
GLORY 92 & Grand Prix Interviews

gave respect

Teodor travels to Amsterdam for the official weigh-in and draw of the GLORY Light Heavyweight Grand Prix.

Uploaded on May 17, 2024, 9:14:08 PM (9 months ago)
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Fred Safe
9 months ago

All respect to Teodor, his energy and passion is top notch. But if we are very honest he is not a worthy journalist anyway. How can we talk about professionalizing the sport while the reporter adds zero journalistic value. I think Remy completely misses the mark here, I understand that Teodor is surely a top of a guy and you wish him this opportunity but this degrades the platform in my opinion.

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9 months ago

Interesting interviews but it looks like the video was not fully uploaded.

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9 months ago

We had to cut some interviews due to certain circumstances. Great stuff coming tomorrow!

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9 months ago

Good interviews again. Only we can't understand Bulgarian brother 😂 subtitle please

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