
Glory Collisison 7 Pre-Fight Interviews

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Teodor is visiting the weigh-in of Glory Collision 7. He has interviewed Endy Semeleer, Ayoub Bourass, Cem Caceres, Mory Kromah, Said El Badaoui, Ionut Iancu, Bahram Rajabzadeh, Pascal Touré and Sofian Laïdouni.

This video was made possible by XXL Nutrition, Knockout Sportswear and Atila.

Uploaded on Dec 7, 2024, 11:18:23 AM (2 months ago)
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2 months ago

Grappig die Touré. Ik denk dat hij nog wel wat kan groeien en in de toekomst ook wat meer kan gaan winnen.