Op De Bank #92


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Remy Bonjasky and Marinho Gordon discuss the last week in Op De Bank. This week they discuss Yousri isn't going to UFC, GLORY x RISE , Collision 7 and more.

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5 months ago

Besides Duut, we don't see Rico's training partner back either. https://archive.is/x6Z2j

Dexter Suisse. For this reason, his match against Zimmerman did not go ahead.

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5 months ago

Super vague story. Not a whole lot of reason needed to mistreat someone, which unfortunately happens more often OR more happened. Probably doesn't like mayonnaise.....

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5 months ago

He had consumed quite a bit of liquor he says himself.

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5 months ago
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5 months ago

Wooow shit🙈....

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5 months ago


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Splinta Jackson
5 months ago

Question! Why is everyone complaining about how it should be more exciting? I like Glory the way it is. More excitement is always dope and always welcome, but from all the comments and complaints in the show I get the idea that you guys don't like Glory.

Also a question I had asked several times before and am heavily curious about your opinion. Which NON NL fighter would be a good addition to Glory so it would have more world wide appeal.

And what do you guys think about the latest rumors about ONE FC? That they are blocking fighters and not giving parties? There is a huge online beef going on right now between ONE FC and Karate Combat where they are exposing ONE FC their practices.

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5 months ago

Glory wants to appeal to a larger audience, you can't do that with fighters whose lips are glued together during a press conference. And the complaints, mostly come from the strange match up's or last minute changes or a champion who fights very minimally and what according to Glory is supposed to be the best division has been traded for a shitty division where fighters get too little credit for their work by having a chance at the title after x number of wins!

Some fighters have proven themselves to belong on the main card and others are in a better place right now at the prelims, then it's a little strange that prelim fighters are promoted to the main card and top 5 fighters from the rankings are relegated to the prelims, it doesn't make any sense at all!

And when Glory out of dire necessity and sheer desperation asks the fans about who they want to see, and there from a large portion of the fans 1 person emerges then it is strange that Glory does not go out of its way to drum up that very person. Then to come up with the excuse that he doesn't want more and put the blame on the fighter. If I need a plumber last minute I have to pay extra! The fact that Glory thinks it can get away with an apple and an egg is not only naive but also incredibly stupid, especially when their "star fighter" who barely fights, pockets tons of money after a sabotaged tournament of which the outcome was more or less already determined.

Most of the martial arts fans grew up with the K-1, the K-1 was immensely popular and was an event you looked forward to as a martial arts fan. The K-1 was big and one of a kind, a huge venue where tens of thousands of people bought tickets, splashy turnouts and where you saw fighters from all over the world compete against each other. Now at Glory you have a stray European from far outside the Netherlands and for the rest mainly fighters who train at a Dutch gym, live in the Netherlands and for a change fight for a country where they were not even born and to top it off, people just walk away from the main event because both fighters refuse to fight.

Where K-1 excelled in being a real world championship because of the diversity of nationalities, at Glory you have a glorified Dutch Championship of which at least 90% of the fighters have a Dutch passport. Can you speak of a real world championship? No!

I think this is one of the reasons why people are turning away from Glory and why Glory is becoming less and less interesting, to the detriment of the fighters who, in addition to their full-time jobs, earn extra money by throwing the occasional match. A professional soccer player who has a full-time job next to his career is just an amateur soccer player. If Glory wants to become bigger, there will have to be guys who can make a living out of their matches and not have to have a part-time or full-time job next to it so they can focus on their matches and training.

The quality only gets higher if you give, say, 10 guys 50K as gage and if they win another bonus of 20K per match instead of 1 fighter who also barely fights gets 500K.

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5 months ago

I still think Glory is the best organization and the most fun to watch. Although it is also partly because the other organizations leave more stitches.

Fighters I would love to be at Glory because they would make Glory bigger. Kryklia for heavyweight. Mohammad Siasarani, Stoyan, Superbon and Tawanchai at 70 pounds.

Lui ce there for lightheavyweight.

None of them will succeed because they already have contracts but it would be cool.

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Splinta Jackson
5 months ago

I think you're largely right. But fighters who keep their lips together shouldn't matter. Of the UFC (which is often taken as an example) 90% also keep their lips sealed. And yet everyone watches every event, no matter if it's a whole card filled with prelim fighters. So it is possible.

I just watched the Joshua vs Dubois press conference and also realized that in boxing which is 1000 times bigger often the boxers don't even talk either. During this press conference and also btw that sit down that Remy and Maurinho keep talking about Eddie and Frank do most of it. Just that burst in between was of course hype but also during the press conference Joshua and Dubois say nothing better than the Glory fighters. It's going to be fireworks.

It's up to Glory to make you want to watch Glory. Just like how UFC does that, Eddie Hearn does that just like how Frank Warren does that. It's called a PROMOTION for a reason.

Indeed, it used to be more hype, but that was also because of K1 the promotion. The fighters made K1, but back then I couldn't find a nut of press conferences or fight videos in preparation. It was either afterwards and live. And only then did I find out how it all came together.

Anyway I still enjoy Glory myself even though there are boring fights (again comparison to UFC) now that UFC has so many cards more than 50% is also fokkin boring. Even the Sphere last weekend the main and co main were super boring fights. It happens. That's fighting.

Hope too that Glory will spend their money better to get to know fighters. Not the generic gym video where they tell you it will be fireworks. GET TO KNOW THE FIGHTERS GLORY. And absolutely right Pronikon, those guys who put their lives on the line shouldn't be doing this part time.

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5 months ago

Next Saturday will be the first time I will watch a main event of glory alone. How bad the card has become. But that leaves more parties for the future. Osu

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jules vanHoren
5 months ago

you shouldn't always see it as a collision either, this is more like Glory Rivals, opportunities for fighters to fight their way into the spotlight. Sometimes those are the best matches.

I think Mahieddine vs Filipovic and Livinus vs Cvjeticann will be fun matches. And besides, Sadikovic is no stranger and who knows, maybe someone will jump out of the prelims.

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5 months ago

Mahediene VS filipovic??????

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5 months ago

Brother Remy and Soldier Marinho, previously you also paid a lot of attention to Enfusion. There was also talk then of a possible cooperation with Enfusion and maybe discuss a card from them. Is this plan off the table now?.... ps nice to see how well warriorcode has developed from a very modest youtube show(without Marinho) to a professional platform lots of free items and martial arts information

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