Find gyms near Joure, The Netherlands


Find gyms near Joure, The Netherlands


3 results

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Joure , The Netherlands
7548 km away from you
Aikido Friesland

The question “What is Aikido?” cannot be answered simply, Aikido can be practiced in many ways. It is a path, a path that you follow, it is not so much about the end result but about the development that you go through on the path. An important part of the path is moving together with a partner who also wants to progress. Searching together for better ways to handle conflicts. In the training you can question and test each other. In the beginning you are mainly concerned with learning the technical aspects. The biomechanics of the movement. But as you progress, other aspects start to play a role, for example timing becomes very important, but you also develop a sense of presence. By questioning each other and seeking the boundaries within the form, you develop more and more feeling for the different techniques and principles.

Martial arts
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Joure , The Netherlands
7547 km away from you
Zelfverdediging Friesland

Martial arts
Krav Maga
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Joure , The Netherlands
7550 km away from you
Weerbaar Friesland

Martial arts