Op De Bank #109

Murthel Groenhart on the Grigorian incident, reconciliation with Mike and will he quit kickboxing | OP DE BANK

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Murthel Groenhart is the guest of Remy Bonjasky and Marinho Gordon on the couch and here he talks about the Grigorian incident, reconciliation with Mike and will he quit kickboxing?

Uploaded on Jan 17, 2025, 5:00:00 PM (1 month ago)
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3 weeks ago

Glory 98 sold out 🙅🏻‍♀️ a month before the event

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3 weeks ago

@ Remy aka Smooth and Marinho,

There have been so many comments posted over the past few days that are raunchy. Better organize an interim session to discuss these or wait for press conference?

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jules vanHoren
3 weeks ago

We all said for a very long time that Jamal would take care of ticket sales but the RTM stage is not sold out yet and the addition to the ticket is not the issue.

I have tickets myself but it's still disappointing how many tickets Jamal sells to the larger audience. But maybe the streaming numbers are doing extra well.

Are we overestimating Jamal's popularity or is it due to something else?

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3 weeks ago

I looked a while ago: then the 250 euro tickets alone were left. The rest were sold out. And now that I look, it's still the same. Which makes sense to me: 250 euros is pricey 😂

Find that very neat. Usually there were still affordable tickets left during fight week.

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3 weeks ago

So Hammouche isn't selling out either, and therefore wouldn't need to be on the maincard. I think we should rather ask the question, would Glory have sold as many tickets if Jamal had not fought?

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3 weeks ago

Just be careful what you say here. Few weeks ago.I posted the same observation and now some people think I hate Jamal and am Rico fan haha.

Like you, I expected Jamal to sell out a venue like Ahoy in no time. But that's still disappointing.

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3 weeks ago

Ey that Marinho often talks nonsense lately man. Murthel is just a koulo coward! With Doumbe he did it too and you heard Doumbe immediately "you coward".

It is an unwritten rule not to hit someone from behind. This is just the lowest of the low. CLOSE!

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3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, it is not an unwritten rule that the ref calls "protect yourself at all times" and turning your back is just a no go as you then cannot comply with that rule. If someone turns their back and thereby tries to stop the fight in the hope that the opponent will not hold back, then the person is the coward himself.

Murthel's blow despite from behind was just legitimate at that point, otherwise he would have been disqualified.

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3 weeks ago

Wow, so you're talking up a hit from behind? Are you all right? A good ref immediately blows the match (boapeah vs bokeme). Mike could have grabbed bokeme right away too. But idd unscripted rule! No hitting from behind.

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3 weeks ago

You are trying to spin it so that your "unwritten rule" is leading. During the fight, there is only 1 person in the ring who can temporarily stop the fight, and that is the referee!

The example you cite of Boapeah vs. Bokeme shows precisely that it is not up to the fighter to pause the fight during the match, unless the fighter gives up or cannot continue fighting. In that case, it is the end of the match and the one who gives up loses.

Since you already speak of an unwritten rule, you are already indicating that it is not an official rule and no one has to abide by it, after all, it does not fall under Glory's rules.

The incident may be controversial, and I can go along with that however the fighter who turns his back and thus stops the game on his own initiative without a valid reason is at fault at all times.

Actions that follow could have been prevented by the one who turned his back.

By the way, what do you think of the LeBanner vs. Pettas incident, as this is also quite controversial ;)


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3 weeks ago

Marinho bro that you continuously interrupt Remy is already irritating but okay is your mattie. But from now on please let guests finish their sentences and finish talking bro. You continuously interrupt him causing him to not finish his answers at all!!!

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