Op De Bank #71

Afterthought UFC 300 and Levi Rigters vs. Jahfarr Wilnis | OP DE BANK

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Remy Bonjasky and Marinho Gordon discuss this week in Op de Bank. This week they discuss Serkan at Epic MMA ,UFC 300, GLORY fights, Adesanya Pereira beef and more

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Fight for the Title, The King of The Hague, Who Wins?
Uploaded on Apr 19, 2024, 4:00:00 PM (10 months ago)
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10 months ago

Ewa remy.

Question do you know anything about the draw of the lhwt tournament how the draw is going to be? They shouldn't come up with that draw again anyway that they did at the Heavyweight heavyweight didn't make any sense.

Ps .

Marhino aka tiyani number 1 fan you almost wanted to make statement at Mike van vriendt that toenail of tyjani was just fine finished he is just the best hahaha 😅😅

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10 months ago

Brother Remy and Private Marinho, in your opinion, how should Glory approach the promotion with the light heavyweight tournament? All experts know that in this division you don't have boring matches and the level in all areas is a lot higher than the heavyweights. This could be a golden opportunity to put Glory well on the map worldwide.

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Rachid Jansen
10 months ago

Remy and Marinho,

Don't you think there are too many guys joining Glory welterweights who have no business being there at the moment? By that I mean especially the new guys with little flying hours. Ouzgni, Abdelkhalek, Anwar Ouladchaib, Don Sno, Figi Landman.

What I mean by this is that these guys are still very far from the level you need to be at Glory to actually make a difference.

Surely it would have been better for this handful of talents if they were running at Enfusion? And otherwise a Glory talents event like Glory Rivals was organized for a while. Now these guys make too few flying hours (too few A-fights compared to Jay Overmeer, Chico, Ciric, Semeleer, Hamicha etc.). You just build a good fighter anyway. At Glory, unfortunately, you can't run many parties.

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10 months ago

I'm pretty excited about ouzigni that guy had Robin ciric last match at glory COLLISION really showed what fighting is all about and finished with a KO so yeah and anwar was the winner of the tournament so you can't say much about that the others I understand somewhat

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10 months ago

More guys does make for more opportunities. Otherwise you can just have everyone after 2 matches for the title. Would be nice if fighters like in the UFC could then fight their way up

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Rachid Jansen
10 months ago

I know they are great talents. Glory Rivals was actually a good initiative organized together with Enfusion. So those guys can run more matches than once every 5 months on Glory prelims. Just look at a Touchassie or Chico. Before they were in Glory they fought 6-7x a year. If t wasn't more. And now those guys are standing still for a while anyway. For an older fighter I can understand that. But for young fighters. They benefit from flying hours.

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75 8
10 months ago

Johan and Serkan are both racists, they can't even apologize after being caught making racist remarks. For them it is 'normal'. Serkan comparing 'dirty turk' to 'black'???? Says enough about his character and that act of his.

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10 months ago

Laïdouni is NOT a MOROCCOAN he is an Algerian that would make a match against badr even more interesting because of the feud between MOROCCO AND ALGERIA💩 and badr beats him sws all the way because that man has no ko power

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