Op De Bank #93

Preview GLORY 95 & UFC 306 Chaos | OP DE BANK

gave respect

Remy Bonjasky and Marinho Gordon discuss the last week in Op De Bank. This week they discuss upcoming GLORY 95, UFC 306, K-1 Zimmerman, Le Banner and more

Made possible by: XXL Nutrition, Knockout Sportswear and Atila.

Uploaded on Sep 20, 2024, 4:00:00 PM (1 week ago)
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1 day ago

Dear @Marinho1976, as you can read below, it seems that our opportunity pearl @Dutchdude37 has a "little" trouble showing respect to other users on this platform.

Despite an earlier fairly clear request from Warriorcode to treat each other respectfully, it seems that @Dutchdude37 cannot handle the freedoms that are in place on this platform and these freedoms are being violated with very high frequency by this member on this platform.

It cannot be, that despite these freedoms which until now none of the members abused are currently being abused to such an extent that not only I, but also a number of other members question whether this behavior is tolerated or can be tolerated at all!

If no overt warnings ensue from this then a ban for this member, after all, once should be the first time. Then Warriorcode will set a precedent where others may use this behavior as well!

After all, rules apply to everyone and there should be no doubt about that! Despite that I am not against warnings and discussions may be harsh, with the understanding that one does not play on the man, insult or show heavy cross-border treaty.

Do I find that despite @Dutchdude37 having just joined since this week, in no way shows respect to various members and in his utterances and shows no respect to the management on this platform!

Despite the entertaining discussion about Rico's performance, the language that @Dutchdude37 displays does not belong on this platform.

It seems only logical to me that action should be taken soon by means of a warning and/or removal of this member!

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1 day ago

I especially want a limit on comments. It's almost impossible to keep up because 3 people combined account for about 300+ comments.

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1 day ago

Before that Rico adept was here, there was nothing going on. And since his presence things have been going wrong with insults.

If you can deal so badly with criticism of someone you are a fan of, you are either contact disturbed or you are that person yourself or someone from the person's immediate circle with the purpose of deliberately stirring things up.

And yet I really suspect the latter, and that cannot be the intention.

Marinho has since specifically asked that people treat each other with respect. Despite this request it is clear that 1 person has quite a lot of trouble with this, and if warning does not help then there is only one solution 😉

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Dutch Dude
1 day ago

I was the one who wanted us to ignore each other.

But you didn't want that and you said to me I have nothing to demand.

You and yvonne sit and insult me,and then whine when I say something back.

He is the one who plays it on the man,also look what he says about rico and his family etc,and about me.

Really hypocritical guy.

You are a crybaby,who has a pathological envy of rico,but that seems normal here.

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Dutch Dude
2 days ago

Rico is a beast.

26 wins in a row in glory.

Incl tournament wins.

The stats dont lie.

Without a knockout u still can dominate a fight.

Soms fights not so exciting still he dominated on points,some fights very great like against jamal.

But sour people like pronikon they always make excuses if jamal wins then its great if he lose they say jeah but he was sick etc.

Very sour losers.

To bad a sour patethic person like this can spit such sour crap here all the time about the champion and nobody sets him straight.

2 days ago

Rico is a tame tiger, so beast?....

Statistics certainly don't lie tightly at 30% k.o percentage AND that for a heavyweight, Badr had over 90%! Rico deals less than 10 punches per minute and receives almost 6 punches per minute and averages something like 9 minutes and a bit per match in the ring at 15-minute matches!

That's 54 punches Rico gets to chew away at per match, as every punch you receive is one too many!

54 punches ( not counting kicks ) per game 10 x 54 are 540 punches on his egg, which is a statistic you can't be proud of, but of course you can....

Since statistics don't lie, as I said I spout facts ( the statistics can just be found on Glory's site ) I'm guessing that within 10 years of his career Rico is pronouncing "pathetic" as you write it, it is pathetic after all! Or have you by any chance had around 540 punches on your pan by now?

Indeed, it would explain why you keep imposing your belief in Rico on others a bit like a Jehovah's Witness with his paw between the door.

When you're labeled "the king of kickboxing" as the "best" ever and in a fairly mediocre division ( with some exceptions ) can't beat out opponents except your training partner who you've literally known for years, well.... What's that particular status worth then, huh?

We'll stick to the facts, of course!

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2 days ago

Keep 👏🏻 👏🏻op 👏🏻met 👏🏻onnodig 👏🏻mensen 👏🏻aanvallen 👏🏻 What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your constant hating all day?

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Zehma official
2 days ago


Dodges fighters and chooses his own fighters.

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2 days ago

Fight: MORY kormah VS milos cvetcianin added to collision 7.

I say kromah takes this easy.

What do you guys think?

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2 days ago

Bad move by Glory, Kromah can grow into a very big one and if lost is back to square one. The same goes for Milos who is just coming in. It is as if Glory wants to give short shrift to Kromah's partying behavior after his previous match.

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Dutch Dude
2 days ago

What a great match up,only sour people can be negative about this matchup haha.

jules vanHoren
2 days ago

Not entirely agree Pronikon but I understand you.

But with each side, one loses. Who else should they pit against?

They can't just fly in pancakes.

If we just stop writing people off when they lose once.

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3 days ago

Hey brada's , I had asked a few months ago if the casting problem could be solved. Unfortunately had no response, but on the positive side, the Warriorcode videos are castable via Spotify. My question to you guys, (if possible) to drop the episodes via Spotify also on Fridays. Otherwise, I will have to wait until Monday. Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah, another question; when is Melvin getting his teeth fixed? And shouldn't Remy help pay for it?

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3 days ago

Hi Marinio on Remy,

SO naar jullie, jullie worden steeds groter als platform!

Eindelijk was dit weekend weer weer een kickbokser te zien op de nederlandse televisie, bij Oranjezondag (RTL4). Levi was uitgenodigd. I think it's good that there was only one kickbokser that was used, but I think it was only during the interview that he was only used because he had to be against Ricardo as long as he only had to leave the room. Het ging niet zo zeer over hemzelf en zijn voorgaande partijen.

Waarom geeft de NL televisie zo weinig aandacht aan bekende kickboksers, en vooral de toppers in de andere gewichtklasses. Geef Abena, Tarik, Wisse and Beztati are on the podium at Jinek, Renze etc. Of hebben jullie het gevoel dat het algemene publiek deze mensen niet 'boeit'?

This text was automatically translated from Spanish.
2 days ago

Rico and Levi are seen as the ideal sons-in-law, which is why you will see this type of fighter pass by more often than other fighters on a TV show.

Unless ratings can be scored by drama surrounding a fighter, where the presenter can show you see now kickboxing is riven with criminality.

You could see this quite clearly with Jamal when he was with Renze. Now I do have to say that the atmosphere with Heléne was a lot more convivial. And you also noticed that Heléne is not really a fan of Rico by the comment that Levi had to kick Rico's injured leg.

But I do think we need to move away a bit from making and/or keeping "sweet, nice little boys" champions.

In the end, you achieve nothing with sweet one-liners to impress your opponent. Badr walking away from the staredown with Rico, leaving Rico bewildered and with no idea what to do except smile stupidly and shrug his shoulders, that was real gold and makes the hype towards the fight a little bigger than yelling out loud "pancake, I'll beat you across the room". And then a hugging match, in which there was absolutely no rivalry and no one went down.

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Dutch Dude
2 days ago

Check this out,he call me out for talking about rico all the time.

But check his posts,all about hating rico haha.

Wat a obsessed guy

2 days ago

Speaking of obsessions, who fluffs out someone else's insta page and literally responds to every post of mine?

If you have a mirror, look in that and you'll know right away who I'm talking about!

I was supposed to leave you alone right, yankee?

Then don't fuck up my post with your fanboy whining and rambling about Rico and interfering with everything. I argue my opinion with facts, the fact that you get burnt out from the truth is not my problem because I'm not here to make friends and I'm certainly not trying to keep emo boys like you happy!

I'm not saying anything in my response that is not true, I watched the broadcast with Heléne and she literally said it that Levi, Rico had to kick his knee hard for a while! Everything else is just and unfortunately for you the truth, based on true events!

Since you don't believe anything anyway, I just spout facts.....

P.s don't look with your jar of Vaseline and box of tissues, Rico got rock hard owned by Badr here and then had nothing useful to say. And I'd rather see this kind of joke, than a weirdo who is rock hard calling his opponent a pancake hahahahaha.


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