Warrior Watch #10


gave respect

Tijdens Warrior Watch bespreken de Warrior Code Sidekicks het laatste vechtsport nieuws, tips & tricks. Deze week: GLORY Grand Prix, DFS, K-1, Conor McGregor en nog veel meer.

Mede mogelijk gemaakt door: XXL Nutrition & Knockout Sportswear

Uploaded on Jun 15, 2024, 4:09:50 PM (2 weeks ago)


Harold Broens Renhungan
1 week ago

I think Melony gives good analysis. She stands her "ground" nice!

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
1 week ago

Isn't it better if Glory like K-1 sees only the tournament winner as champion. To me the belt has a lot less value than the tournament win especially when you see what kind of road an Abena has taken. Also find it getting a little unclear with different types of champions mixed together. Also, it could still happen that the single champion does not want to participate in the tournament, just like Ricardo already mentioned.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
1 week ago

As far as I am concerned the current champions can stay on as long as they keep defending and winning. The moment than they lose or go vacant just remove that title and link the GP to the title.

But I don't think that's going to happen for commercial reasons. A titlefight sells better than a superfight.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
1 week ago

100% Agree.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

What are these abena fans like to bring down tarik because he loses 1 time against abena weird people don't invite them anymore please remy only theodor should let you he is not biased, tarik had just rightly won March 9.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

"Weird people" 😂

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago


This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
1 week ago

Hahahahahahahaha little respect bro🤣

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

Teodor is right: it was 2-2 going into round 5, and that last one Tarik just won. Sure Abena fought more completely throughout the fight, but the rounds Tarik won he made the harder and better punches.Momine may stay at Glory from me but needs to run a few matches outside Glory to apply Khalid's style.

Tayfun vs Smaili wasn't supposed to take place until October, so pretty logical that they get warm-ups in the meantime. They probably won't really be 100% fit and ready until October.Melony is otherwise a really nice addition, she still fights herself so you get a different angle! And from the looks of it we don't even need Remy yo, we just make our own Bank :)

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

Khbabez against Abena would be the only logical choice. At the beginning of this year, there were frequent calls that if the winner of a GP was not the champion, this fighter would be allowed to go for the title. So this applies to Abena, especially since he defeated the champion during the tournament.

Butrrr, that would mean Khbabez and Abena would have to fight each other 3 times in a year, which is a shame.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

The champion should just be the tournament winner.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

That there are many people who want to see these two fighters fight each other for the 3rd time already says a lot about how fraught and it is. People are still discussing that split decision in March. And now the rematch in this tournament added to it. There is finally a storyline!

I'd rather see khbabez vs abena 3 times a year than the one HW champion once in a while 😝.

This text was automatically translated from Dutch.
2 weeks ago

Sure. I just expect there is a good chance that after that, at the next gp, they will be allowed to go against each other again. That leaves them stuck in a loop.

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