Fight card
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Carlos Cainan
Brazil 4-0-2
Marcos Silva do Nascimento 8-0-6
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Bryan 'The Lion' Felipe 6-0-4
Amadeu 'Tratorzinho' Aguiar de Oliveira 4-0-4
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Francisco 'De Assis' de Lima Maciel 17-1-10
Francisco Barreto
Brazil 3-0-2
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Bruno 'Acre' Almeida 2-0-0
Vandervan Ribeiro Ferreira 1-0-0
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Gean Boykan 2-0-0
Wendrio 'Chiquinho' Silva 1-0-0
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Jose 'Joseito' Romero 3-0-1
Adiel 'Cobra' Rodrigues 6-0-3
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