Modern Warfare
Denver, United States of America (the)
Sep 2, 2024, 1:00:00 AM

Info & location

South Sheridan Boulevard 2155,
80227 Denver,
United States of America (the)

Fight card

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Tomas Ornelas United States of America (the)
Masai Abdur-Rasheed United States of America (the)
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Ebenezer Griffith United States of America (the) 2-0-0
Samuel Struhs United States of America (the)
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Josue Menjivar United States of America (the)
Ricardo Reyes United States of America (the)
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Darrian Leu-Pierre United States of America (the)
Zamir Young United States of America (the) 0-1-2
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Christian Escobedo United States of America (the)
Angel Mendez United States of America (the)
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Adrian Herrmann United States of America (the)
Terrance Brown United States of America (the)
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Andres Martinez Equatorial Guinea
Jessie Stalder United States of America (the)


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Airtight Boxing

Modern Warfare is organized by Airtight Boxing .

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