Info & location
Jones Road 64,
1620 Johannesburg,
South Africa
Fight card
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Dylan Prosser
South Africa 5-0-0
Morgan Hunter
South Africa 2-0-2
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Charlton Malajika
South Africa 6-0-1
Gcina Makhoba
South Africa 9-1-1
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Mhlanganisi Sogcwayi
South Africa 7-0-1
Sifiso Hlongwane
South Africa 9-2-5
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Ndabazinhle Phiri
Zimbabwe 5-0-0
Thami Luthuli
South Africa 7-2-0
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Pieter Breytenbach
South Africa 0-0-1
Fhulufhelo Ramaliba
South Africa 2-0-4
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Sanele Sogcwayi
South Africa 0-0-0
Lungisani Mkhize
South Africa 2-0-1
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Juan Alberts
South Africa 2-0-0
Gilly Dickenson
South Africa 0-0-0
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Ariel Mezeraci
South Africa 0-0-0
Tsumbo Mbedzi
South Africa 0-1-2
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