How can I help promote your campaign Become a Warrior, Become a Legend?

Become a Warrior, Become a Legend (campaign)
Published on Jan 8, 2024, 8:42:58 PM

First of all, it's super cool that you want to help! We want to reach as many Dutch people as possible with this campaign, so the more people participate the better! There are three things you can do to help. You can share the link to the webpage about the campaign, or share the campaign video, or put up the campaign poster in your neighbourhood or building.

Share link to campaign webpage

The link is You can share the link along with this image:

Become a Warrior, Become a Legend flyer to share on social media

SHARE Campagne video

Become a Warrior, become a Legend

Together with the Dutch Youth Fund Sport & Culture, we make martial arts accessible to everyone 🥊.

You can find this video on our website but also on YouTube or Instagram, using the following links:


Put up our poster

You can help us tremendously by requesting our poster and putting it up in your neighborhood.

Please send us a message via with your postal address, and we will send the poster to you by mail.

Some examples of ideal places are:

- Your school
- The supermarket
- Your church or mosque
- The community center
- The library
- Your martial arts club

Our partners and sponsors

Connect, share & embrace the fighting spirit!