Terms and conditions of use

Warrior Code B.V.
P.J. Oudweg 4
1314 CH Almere
KvK-nummer: 83597530

[email protected]

Article 1: Applicability

  1. These conditions are applicable to all users using Warrior Code’s online platform, which can be accessed via www.warriorcode.com.

Article 2: Service Warrior Code

  1. Warrior Code has as its mission increasing professionalism, transparency and interconnectivity of martial arts worldwide.
  2. Warrior Code offers users an online platform where various parties and demographics related to the world of martial arts are connected to each other, in which the platform provides support and entertainment.

Article 3: Online platform

  1. Warrior Code has the right to implement a variety of updates for the online platform.
  2. Warrior Code does not guarantee the platform working without error or interruption.
  3. Warrior Code retains the right to decommission the platform wholly or entirely for necessary maintenance or adjustment.

Article 4: Use of platform and content

  1. The user is responsible for keeping the username and its accompanying password secret while using the online platform. The user may not share this information with any third party. The platform may not be used by the users for illegal purposes.
  2. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the content which the user posts on the platform and declares by providing the content that user is authorized to post this content. User safeguards Warrior Code from third party claims.
  3. The user will refrain from posting off-topic, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, intimidating, terrorist, shocking or violent content, as well as other content that could be offensive to other users. Furthermore, content may not contain explicit language or personal or sensitive information about others.
  4. The portrait image, shown on the Warriors page and to be uploaded by the user, requires to be a picture of the user itself (with the face visible) in a fight stance with a neutral background.
  5. Warrior Code has the authorization to remove content posted by the user at any time. Also, Warrior Code also has the authorization to remove a user’s account if its use is not in accordance with Warrior Code’s mission.
  6. The content which is posted by the user may be used Warrior Code for publicity and promotional purposes.

Article 5: Intellectual ownership

  1. Warrior Code retains all rights to intellectual property.
  2. The information which Warrior Code offers on the online platform may be printed or downloaded for personal use. It is however strictly forbidden for this information to be made public, copied, distributed or to take any other action which does not match the intellectual ownership of Warrior Code.

Article 6: Complaints procedure

  1. Complaints concerning services rendered by Warrior Code will have to be reported to Warrior Code through contact form or email speedily. Warrior Code explicitly declines using the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform.
  2. Warrior Code will provide an acknowledgement of receipt and will respond to the complaints within two weeks.

Article 7: Liability

  1. Warrior Code is not responsible for any damage whatsoever, unless the damage is the direct result of Warrior Code’s intent or blame, one of their staff or a hired third party. Limitations to liability pertain to both direct and indirect damages.
  2. All information offered on or via the online platform is of general nature and cannot be used to infer rights from. Warrior Code designs and maintains the platform with the utmost care. Warrior Code has also investigated the reliability of its sources and references. In spite of this careful research Warrior Code cannot vouch for the information to be correct, complete or current. Warrior Code is therefore not responsible or liable in respect to offered information being correct, complete or current.

Article 8: Applicable law and legal disputes

  1. Dutch law exclusively is applicable to any and all legal agreements to which Warrior Code is party.

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