Definition of a Warrior

History is rich in traditional warriors. They often appear in many mythical  stories and movies and capture everyone's imagination.
Publicado em 28 de ago. de 2024 21:21:26
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History is rich in traditional warriors, as you can read in our other article in this series about warriors. They often appear in many mythical  stories and movies and capture everyone's imagination. They are often surrounded by an  aura of honor, courage, respect and discipline, and are willing to make sacrifices, including  their lives, for their group or for a higher cause. Faith and hope often play a driving force in  this.

You can be a warrior in different fields. Besides being a traditional warrior on the battlefield,  you can also be a warrior in sports, spiritually and or mentally, or in the modern context if  you are "fighting" for a just cause, such as activists fighting for social justice. 

At, we give all martial arts practitioners the name of Warriors and we also call everyone in our community a "Warrior." We believe that everyone has a Warrior within them. The struggles of life, the development you go through, all the challenges you face. A  lot is asked of you as a human being. It is up to you to choose whether you take the "fight"  with yourself and try to become a better person. A person who works on his own  development and also helps and inspires others. Herein, the core qualities of courage, discipline, respect and honor remain central to the  definition of a warrior, regardless of time or context. 

Characteristics of a warrior in the traditional context

Education and training

To improve skills in combat, warriors often undergo intensive physical and mental training.  This can range from weapon skills to hand-to-hand combat techniques and communication  exercises. By repeating exercises often, they are trained to get the most out of themselves  and the group/unit they are in. 

Honor code 

Many warrior traditions follow a strict code of honor. These can range from the Bushido of  the Samurai in Japan to the chivalry of medieval knights in Europe. Read more about warrior codes.

Courage and bravery 

Warriors are known for their courage and willingness to face great dangers and challenges,  even if it means risking their lives. 


Loyalty to their king, leader, tribe, or country is an essential characteristic of a warrior. They  are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Discipline and self-control 

Warriors often show a high level of discipline and self-control, both in their training and in  their daily lives. They often have to endure tough physical and mental demands. This  makes warriors respected. 

Physical and mental strength 

A warrior must often operate under extreme conditions. This means that a warrior must be  very strong both physically and mentally. So this means not only strength and stamina, but  also, on the contrary, the ability to think strategically and remain calm under pressure.

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