UFC Fight Night 222: Bobby Green's headbutt on Jared Gordon leads to no contest

Last night, at UFC Fight Night 222 held at the UFC Apex facility in Enterprise, Nevada, US, Bobby Green was denied a victory over Jared Gordon, due to accidental head butt.
Escrito por Ennio Wolsink
Publicado em 23 de abr. de 2023 13:05:54
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Last night, at UFC Fight Night 222 held at the UFC Apex facility in Enterprise, Nevada, US, Bobby Green was denied a victory over Jared Gordon, due to accidental head butt.

Referee Keith Peterson stopped the fighter when Green landed at least three big strikes on Gordon's head after the head butt just moments earlier caused him to fall to the ground. The fight was over with only 25 seconds left on the clock in the opening round. Afterwards, the referee and judges needed several minutes to discuss the situation, ultimately deciding on declaring the fight a no contest. They could've also decided the head butt was intentional, in which case Green would have been disqualified.

During the press conference after the fight, answering a question from MMA junkie, Bobby Green was clearly very angry with the judges' decision: “I get it, we f***-ing clashed heads. I was trying to go for an elbow, and he kinda dipped his head, and we kinda clashed. But he was still f***-ing moving, he was trying to put me in a f***-ing triangle, I fought the triangle shit off and he was still moving fine. And then after I busted him, he was f***-ed up.”

Ultimately, what pissed off Green the most was that not being declared the victor cost him money: “They want to try slide me on my money. That's what I'm mad about. I need my money, bro.”

Jared Gordon has announced during an interview with MMA Mania that he wants a rematch: “I can’t catch a break. I don’t get it; I work so hard,” Gordon said in a text message. “I thought [the no-contest] was just. It was clear that I got hit with a headbutt. I thought I was doing great in the fight, so I’d love to run it back.”

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