Transmissão ao vivo
Kaizen 2
Zwolle, Países Baixos
5 de out. de 2024 17:00:00
Jiu-Jitsu brasileiro, Jiu jitsu e Luta livre
Welcome to the Kaizen League, the leading Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and grappling event in continental Europe! Mark October 5 in your calendar and come to Zwolle - we want you to be part of this spectacular show. Watch local and international grappling and Jiu-Jitsu stars compete against each other under brilliant lights, with dynamic sound effects, all in a first-class venue. We offer the best grappling experience in the Benelux, and you don't want to miss this! The entire show will be streamed live on PVV. Join us on October 5 for an unforgettable day full of exciting matches, exceptional talent and a welcoming atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you there!
Visualizar página promocional

Repetir: Evento principal

Evento principal
5 de out. de 2024 17:00:00
5 de out. de 2024 20:20:00
€ 11,99
Esta transmissão ao vivo foi encerrada, mas há uma reprise disponível!

Informações e localização

Theater van de sport, Landstede sportcentrum,
Hogeland 10,
8024 AZ Zwolle,
Países Baixos

Fight Cart

Qual é a sua opinião sobre este cartão de luta?Responda abaixo!

Marcelo Fausto Brasil 35-0-14 (26 KO)
Tarik Hopstock Noruega 33-0-21 (24 KO)
Patrick Gaudio Brasil 104-0-42 (26 KO)
Marcin Maciulewicz Polónia 62-0-2
Rider Zuchi Brasil 72-0-12 (41 KO)
Bruno Lima Portugal 60-0-33 (14 KO)
Naomi McGowan Israel 66-0-10
Heather Doyle Irlanda 86-0-0
Naim Mojahed Bélgica 27-0-0
Giuliano Spera Alemanha 33-0-0


5 meses ago

1:46:32. What happened with the referees this match? They got blinded by the fireworks or something? Huge robbery

Piet @Piet12
5 meses ago

Nice replay

Warrior Code
5 meses ago

Kaizen 2 is now over. Thanks very much for watching and until next time! Check back soon for the replay of the entire event.

Warrior Code
5 meses ago

Next up: the last match and main event of the event: Rider Zuchi vs Bruno Lima.

Warrior Code
5 meses ago

The issues with iOS 18 + Safari should now be fixed.


Kaizen League

Kaizen 2 é organizado por Kaizen League, com base em Zwolle

Welcome to the Kaizen League, the premier Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and grappling event in mainland Europe! Mark your calendars for October 5th in Zwolle - we want you to be part of this spectacular show. Witness local and international grappling and Jiu-Jitsu stars go head-to-head under dazzling lights, with dynamic sound effects, all set in a top-notch venue. We're delivering the finest grappling experience in the Benelux, and you won't want to miss it! The entire show will be streamed live on PVV. Join us on October 5th for an unforgettable day filled with thrilling matches, exceptional talent, and a welcoming atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you there! Visualizar organização

Warrior Code

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