Martial arts
A series of articles that thorougly explores martial arts.
Codes are used to communicate; they are like a language. Depending on the context, the use of codes can vary. Within the context of the Warrior Code, we refer both to our own code of respect, honor, self-discipline, sincerity, courage, and freedom, and to the codes of groups and communities that also adhere to such principles.
Martial arts constitute various fighting styles that have developed worldwide and continue to adapt to the times in which people live. They are developed for combat, self-defense, competition and personal growth. In this series of articles we will dive into the different forms of martial arts as well as the warrior, who is the source of all things martial arts.
An in-depth look into ten known warrior societies, such as knights, samurai, Zulu, Masai and more.
History is rich in traditional warriors. They often appear in many mythical stories and movies and capture everyone's imagination.
Martial arts are versatile 'combat arts' developed worldwide for self-defense, competition, entertainment, and personal growth.