The Warrior Code

Codes are used to communicate; they are like a language. Depending on the context, the use of codes can vary. Within the context of the Warrior Code, we refer both to our own code of respect, honor, self-discipline, sincerity, courage, and freedom, and to the codes of groups and communities that also adhere to such principles.
Published on Aug 29, 2024, 2:28:44 PM
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Originally, codes were ethical rules, norms, and behavioral principles that members were expected to follow. This code can vary depending on the culture and time period, but there are some common themes and principles that frequently appear across different warrior communities. Here are some well-known warrior codes and their key principles.

Bushido (Japan)

Bushido is the famous warrior code of the Japanese samurai. It literally means "The Way of the Warrior" and includes the following core principles:

Justice (Gi): Honesty and fairness in actions.

Courage (Yu): The bravery to do what is right, even in the face of danger.

Compassion (Jin): Charity and empathy towards others.

Respect (Rei): Respect and courtesy in all interactions.

Sincerity (Makoto): Honesty and integrity in word and deed.

Honor (Meiyo): Maintaining honor and a good reputation.

Loyalty (Chugi): Loyalty to one's lord, family, and friends.

Chivalry (Europe)

The chivalric code of medieval Europe included the following principles:

Honor: Upholding honor through bravery, loyalty, and honesty.

Bravery: Courage and daring in battle and the defense of the weak.

Respect for Women: Protection and respect for women, especially noble ladies.

Humility: Modesty and service to others.

Justice: Maintaining justice and protecting the innocent.

Piety: Faithfulness to God and the Church.

Vikings (Scandinavia)

Although less documented, Viking warriors also followed ethical norms:

Bravery: Courage in battle.

Honor: Protecting personal and family honor.

Loyalty: Loyalty to the clan and the leader.

Revenge: Protecting honor through retribution.

Kodeks Rycerski (Poland)

The Polish knightly code, similar to European chivalry:

Honor and Loyalty: Loyalty to the king and the homeland.

Courage: Fearlessness in battle.

Compassion and Respect: Care for the weak and respect for enemies.

Native American Tribes

Many Native American tribes had their own warrior codes, such as the Lakota and Comanche:

Bravery and Courage: Courage in the face of danger.

Respect for the Earth: Protection and respect for nature.

Community Spirit: Loyalty to the tribe and serving the community.

Honor and Respect: Tribute to ancestors and respect for others.

Common Themes

Despite differences in cultural context, many warrior codes share some common themes:

Honor and Integrity: Maintaining personal and familial honor.

Courage and Bravery: Fearlessness in the face of danger and conflict.

Loyalty and Fidelity: Loyalty to leaders, family, and community.

Respect and Compassion: Respect for others, including enemies and the weak.

Justice and Fairness: Upholding justice and fairness in all actions.

Warrior codes play an important role in shaping the ethics and behavior of warriors throughout history, offering guidance for personal and social responsibility.

The Code of Warrior Code

We also have our own code that we want to share with our visitors, Warriors, and the world. This code is meant for reflection, discussion, effort, and application to oneself. Each day presents an opportunity to become a better person. Besides faith, codes (principles) can guide you in this journey.

Respect: Respect is tied to our core values and is meant in our code as respect for yourself, your trainer, your practice, and your training partner. Have respect for your fellow humans and for the world.

Honor: Reverence for people and nature. Honor the generations that have come and those yet to come. Reflect daily on the 'wonder' of your life and the 'everything,' or 'God,' that gives life. In the context of martial arts: respect for the practice, your trainer, and your opponent.

Self-Discipline: Work daily on controlling 'yourself.' Ensure you can channel and express your aggression in a sports environment, controlled in the ring or on the mat. The art also involves practicing and maintaining (self)discipline during matches or training.

Sincerity: Be honest and sincere with yourself and others. Act with genuine intentions. The intention determines the outcome of your actions. If it is good, the outcome is often good as well. Be open to feedback and try to give honest feedback to others. In the context of martial arts, this means being sincere with your training partner to help them grow sportively.

Courage: Have the courage to face the 'fight.' The fight in the ring or on the mat and in real life. Here, the fight serves as a metaphor for practicing mental and physical resilience. Above all, have the courage to overcome your fears and embrace new challenges.

Freedom: Freedom has multiple meanings, including in the context of our Warrior Code. We stand for freedom of expression, the freedom every person deserves to have time for (combat) sports, and the freedom to make one’s own choices. We are ultimately grateful for the freedom to develop the Warrior Code.

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