Fight card
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Seung Min Shin
Korea (the Republic of) 9-0-6
Nam Shin Kim
Korea (the Republic of) 0-0-0
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Jong Gu Lee
Korea (the Republic of) 0-0-0
Jeong Hoon Jo
Korea (the Republic of) 0-0-0
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Dong Hwan Kim
Korea (the Republic of) 2-0-0
Young Je Jung
Korea (the Republic of) 4-0-4

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Byung Il Moon
Korea (the Republic of) 0-0-3
Byeong Hyuk Park
Korea (the Republic of) 2-0-1
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Hwan Hyun Lee
Korea (the Republic of) 1-0-3
Jong Jun Park
Korea (the Republic of) 0-0-1
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Young Woong Lee
Korea (the Republic of) 1-0-0
Sun Ha Lee
Korea (the Republic of) 2-0-2
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