Aek Muay Thai Gym

Tambon Patong , Thailand

Aek Muay Thai Gym is headquartered in Phuket. The address of the Aek Muay Thai Gym is 27 Thanon Sirirat, Tambon Patong, Amphoe Kathu, Chang Wat Phuket 83150, Thailand.You can be contacted at +66 93 663 5727 or find more information on their website:

Info & address

27 Thanon Sirirat, Tambon Patong, Amphoe Kathu, Chang Wat Phuket ,
83150 Tambon Patong,

Martial arts

This gym offers the following martial arts:

Muay Thai

Training types

This gym offers the trainings:

Group classes
Beginner friendly


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