Kickboxing Sneek

Sneek , The Netherlands
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Keurmerk Vechtsportautoriteit

Kickboxing Sneek is an approachable gym where both recreational and competitive fighters are welcome!

Info & address

Kickboxing Sneek,
Jan Kuipersweg 21-23,
8606 KD Sneek,
The Netherlands

Martial arts

This gym offers the following martial arts:

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
Muay Thai


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Not enough money to practice a martial art?

Together with Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur, Warrior Code wants to make martial arts available to everybody.

Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur makes it possible for children and young people who do not have enough money to participate in kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or, for example, dance or music lessons. The Jeugdfonds pays the tuition and materials.

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