At Jackson Wink MMA Academy we are constantly looking for top talent to join our ranks. Fighters from all over the world travel to Albuquerque, New Mexico to train at our facility. From our experience, you can never know when the next champion walks through our doors, therefore we take great pride in being able to evaluate your skillset and put it to the test. And, you will be tested, and you will be tried, so you better bring your “A” game and be ready to learn. Albuquerque, New Mexico is famously known for it's fighting traditions, but most importantly for it's terrain and mile-high over the sea level altitude elevation. Athletes from all over the world and from different kind of sports come to our city to train on their endurance and conditioning. Your body's adaptation to high altitude training helps significantly in your overall success as a fighter. Your lung capacity increases allowing you to have a better performance in your competition.
Info & address
Dr Martin Luther King Jr Ave NE 301,
87102 3540 Albuquerque,
United States of America (the)
Opening hours
Martial arts
This gym offers the following martial arts:
This gym offers the following services:
Training types
This gym offers the trainings:
Is Jackson Wink MMA your business?
When you claim your business you can get access to the Warrior Code Organization management tool. This allows you as a business owner to update your gym profile in our gym finder and promote events. This allows you to get more online visibility for your gym or events. In the spring of 2025 you will also get access to services developed specifically for martial arts trainers and clubs, which we offer in cooperation with the Dutch Institute for Martial Arts and Society (NIVM). Additionally, you will receive extra promotion through a commercial break in our talk show Warrior Talk, and have a chance to be selected as Gym of the Week, putting you in the spotlight for a week on our site, social media channels and in the podcast Op De Bank.